

a distributed streaming platform, which can used for:

  • a Messaging System
  • a Storage System
  • Stream Processing


Table of contents

  1. KafKa
  2. Distributed Data
  3. Replication
  4. Partitioning / Sharding



  • Topic = Record + Record + Record
  • Producer publishes a stream of records to one or more Kafka topics
  • Consumer subscribes to one or more topics and process the stream of records produced to them.
  • Stream Processor acts as a map function, effectively transforming the input streams to output streams.
  • Connector is an action replayer for Producers and Consumers.

The structure of the Topic:

  • For each topic, the Kafka cluster (one or more servers that can span multiple datacenters) maintains a partitioned log
  • Each partition is an ordered (by the time a record is produced), immutable sequence of records. (Kafka only provides a total order over records within a partition, not between different partitions in a topic.)
  • Each partition has one server which acts as the “leader” and zero or more servers which act as “followers”. The followers passively replicate the leader.
  • Each instance is the exclusive consumer of a “fair share” of partitions at any point in time.

Distributed Data

  • scalability
    • Vertical
      • Shared-memory architecture
      • Shared-disk architecture: machines are connected by fast network. often used for data warehousing workloads
    • Horizontal
      • Shared-nothing architecture
  • high availability
  • low latency


Leader-based relication (active/passive or master-slave replication)

  • role
    • Leader / master / primary
    • Follower / replicas / slave / secondary / hot standby
  • writes only accepted on the leader, but reads accepted by any followers.
  • synchrounous update:
    • Too slow
    • semi-synchorous: in practice, there is one node to be synchronous; that gurantees that we have an up-to-date copy of the data at least two nodes.
    • chain replication in Microsoft Azure Storage
  • outage
    • follower: just catch up with the leader
    • Leader (“failover” problem): choose a new leader
      • the new leader may not be up-to-date
      • two nodes believe they are leaders (“split brain” problem)


  • Statement-based replication: the leader logs every statement it executes and sends the statement to its followers.
    • cannot handle non-pure operation
      • nondeterminstatic function, such as NOW() to get the current time
      • autoincrementing function
  • Write-ahead log (WAL) shipping: log describe the data on very low level. It contains details of which bytes were changed in which disk blocks.
    • It supports zero-downtime upgrade (1. update a follower 2. make a failover)
  • Logical (row-based) log replication.
  • Trigger-based replication: The trigger has the opportunity to log a change into a table, to which a external process can apply any necessary application logic.
    • flexible but expensive

Eventual consistency: we may wait some time (often a few seconds) to see up-to-date information from an asychronous follower.

  • Read-your-write / read-after-write consistency: a user always see his updates (but no promises about others)
    • solution:
      • only read from leaders for one minute after the last update
      • let the client remember the timestamp of the most recent update
    • it is more difficult in the cross-device scenario
  • Monotonic reads: a user may see things moving backward in time
    • Solution: each user makes reads from the same replica
  • Consistent prefix reads: guarantee a sequence of writes happens in a centain order.
    • solution:
      • any related writes are written to the same partition (rather than the same replica)
      • causal dependency

Multi-leader replication: each leader is a follower of another leader.

  • Use case:
    • multi-datacenter operation. a leader per datacenter
    • clients with offline operation / colllaboartive editing
  • Resolve write conflicts (the concurrent values are call siblings)
    • Avoidance: the reqeuests from the same user are routed to the same datacenter.
    • Convergence:
      • last write win (LWW): the write with highest UUID wins
      • the replica with highest UUID wins
      • Merge the values. Prompt the user at some later time
    • CRDT data structure used for mergeing siblings
  • Replication topology: all-to-all, circular, star

Leaderless replication (Dynamo-style): in pratice, it is for app that tolerate eventual consistency

  • writes and reads are send to several replicas to achieve Quorum consistency
    • n replicas; write is confirmed by w nodes; read is confirmed by r nodes;
    • w + r > n (gurantee that read and write operations overlap in at least one node), we expect to get an up-to-date value when reading
  • sloppy quorums:
    • Write to nodes outside the designated n nodes
    • Write back to the designated when network interruption is fixed. (hinted handoff)
  • how does a replica follow up?
    • read repair: when a client reads from nodes, it can detect any stale responses.
    • Anti-entropy process: a background process that looks for differences between replcas.

Partitioning / Sharding

also known as region, node, vBucket, tablet…

each piece of data belongs to exactly one partition.

  • assign records randomly
  • by keys
    • Pros: efficient range query
    • Cons: may lead to hot spot
  • by hash of key / consistent hashing
    • Cons: range query need to send to all partitions

Skewed / Hot spot

  • a user may have millions of followers – hash does not help here
  • Future work: hot to automatically detect and compensate for skewed data? Todoy solution: change the application logic. For example, apped random number for the small number of hot keys.

secondary index:

  • local index / by document
    • Query: scatter / gather from all partitions
  • global index / by term
    • more efficient query; but writes are slower and more complicated
    • Require distributed transaction across all partitions affected by a write. Or in practice, it is often asynchronous.


  • hash mod N + fixed number of partitions (more partition than there are nodes)
  • dynamic partition: merge and split partitions; smilar to B-tree
    • partitions per nodes
    • #partitions proportional to the size of the data
  • caveat: combination of automateic reblancing and automatic failure detection can be dangerous
  • request routing / service discovery: how does a client know which node to connect to?
    • client is allowed to contant any node; a node forward the request if “cache is missed” (gossip protocol, Cassandra, Riak). Nodes need to disseminate any changes in cluste.
    • add a routing tier, which acts as a partition-aware load balancer (ZooKeeper, Kafka, HBase, ColrCloud)
    • all clients are required to be aware of the partition