

REmote Dictionary Server


Table of contents

  1. Overview
  2. Redis Command


Challenge MySQL facing:

  • minimize the cost of data management while scaling (more tables, more computing resources)
  • need flexible data structure to catch up the market
  • keep applications responsive (require sub-millisecond latency)
  • disk based databased are inherently limited (how to overcome the physical limits?)


  • performance: The Most Powerful Database (highest throughput at lowest latency in high volume of writes scenario)
  • simplicity: data structures
  • extensibility: modules

Use cases:

  • Caching
    • Look-aside (frequent reads, infrequent writes)
    • write-through
  • Session: frequent reads and writes; data is isolated between sessions
  • Metering: Rate-limiting
    • Built-in counter
    • TTL
    • single-threaded architecture assures serializability
  • Fast Data Ingest
    • Pub/Sub; Lists; Sorted Sets

Redis Command

keys *       -- show all keys
exists [key]
del [key]
set [key] [value]
set [key] [value] nx  -- fail if the key already exists
set [key] [value] xx  -- fail if the key doesn't exist
mset [key1] [value1] [key2] [value2] ...
incr [key]      --- += 1
incr [key] [delta]
get [key]
mget [key1] [key2] ...
expires [key] [seconds]
ttl [key]
type [key]
object encoding [key]    -- show the data encoding format (opaque to user)

Redis doesn’t support namespace. In general, we use something like ns:table:id:attr as keys.