
GDB in 30 Minutes


Table of contents

  1. Thread
  2. Breakpoint
  3. Running programs backward
  4. Examining Data
  5. Frame
  6. Changing the behaviors
  7. Macro


(gdb) info threads
(gdb) thread n    # focus on thread n

(gdb) set scheduler-locking off|on|step
 off[defalut] : 
 on : 
 step : 
(gdb) set follow-fork-mode child


symbol-file file    # Switch symbol file, e.g., obj/user/hello.

info b
d    [num]
disa [num]
ena  [num]

b *0x7c00
b service.cpp:45

tb  # temporary breakpoint
skip [function]
watch <expression>
watch -l <address>

Running programs backward

break main
reverse-stepi [count]

Examining Data

(gdb) # ask gdb to automatically demangle C++ symbols
(gdb) set print asm-demangle on
(gdb) set print demangle on

(gdb) info symbol 0x400a90
Parent::FooNotOverridden() in section .text of a.out

(gdb) disas /m 0x400820, 0x400850
(gdb) disas $eip, $eip+30

(gdb) p [/format] expr
x hexadecimal
d signed decimal
u unsigned decimal
o octal
t binary
a address, absolute and relative
  (gdb) p/a 0x400fae
  $3 = 0x400fae <phase_1+1>
c character
f floating point

(gdb) whatis x
type = int

(gdb) x [/Nuf] expr

N count of how many units to display
	x/-16b $sp
unit size
  b individual bytes
  h halfwords (two bytes)
  w words (four bytes)
  g giant words (eight bytes)
  s null-terminated string
  i machine instructions
  Or any print format
(gdb) p/t $rax
$1 = 101100
(gdb) info reg


(gdb) info f
Stack level 0, frame at 0x7fffffffebb0:
 rip = 0x400fad in phase_1; saved rip = 0x400f15
 called by frame at 0x7fffffffebc0
 Arglist at 0x7fffffffeba0, args:
 Locals at 0x7fffffffeba0, Previous frame's sp is 0x7fffffffebb0
 Saved registers:
  rip at 0x7fffffffeba8
(gdb) f 5

Changing the behaviors

(gdb) set $rsp += 4
(gdb) set $edx = 1  
	# it would not set the upper 4 bytes of rdx to zero

Special case:
(gdb) set width=47
Invalid syntax in expression.
(gdb) set var width=47

(gdb) set $rip = 0x1234
(gdb) set $pc = 0x1234
(gdb) jump [line]
(gdb) jump *0x1234
  usually combine it with tb *0x1234
  For convenience,
    (gdb) define lalala
        tb +1
        jump +1

(gdb) ret [expr]
#pop selected stack frame without executing
eax = expr


Programs should be compiled with -ggdb3

(gdb) info macro