


  • UNIX Network Programming, Volumn 2

Table of contents

  1. Overview
  2. Pipe / FIFO
  3. futex


Persistency of IPC objects:

  • Process-persistency: pipe, FIFO
  • Kernel-persistent: System V message queue, semaphores, shared memory; Posix message queue, semaphores, shared memory
  • Filesystem-persistent: Posix message queue, semaphores, shared memory (depending on the implementation)
Pipe fdpopenProcess
Posix mutex pthread_mutex_t Process
Posix condition variable pthread_cond_t Process
Posix read-write lock pthread_rwlock_t Process
fcntl record locking fd Process
Posix message queuePosix IPC namemqd_tmq_kernel
Posix named semaphorePosix IPC namesem_tsem_kernel
Posix memory-based semaphore sem_t Process
Posix shared memoryPosix IPC namefdshm_kernel
System V message queuekey_tSystem V IPC identifiermsgkernel
System V semaphorekey_tSystem V IPC identifiersemkernel
System V shared memorykey_tSystem V IPC identifiershmkernel

Posix IPC:

  • The namespace comes with portability problem. Ususally we use a wrapper function.

System V:

  • key_t ftok(pathname, id) : a 32-bit key based on 1. st_dev, i-node number st_info, and the low-order 8 bits of id. No guarantee exists that two different pathnames combined with the same id generate different keys.
  • IPC identifier:
  • key_t
  • list and remove: ipcs and ipcrm

Pipe / FIFO

  • either the client or sever could call unlink on it, because the kernel keeps a reference count of the file descriptors. (But this may be not ture for other IPC)
  • aotmic IO: PIPE_BUF (at least 512 bytes)


a system call: fast user-space locking. futexes are not really for regular user code; rather, they are used by low-level runtimes and libraries to implement (e.g. pthread_mutex_t) other, higher-level primitives.

int futex(int *uaddr, int futex_op, int val,
          const struct timespec *timeout,   /* or: uint32_t val2 */
          int *uaddr2, int val3);
// FUTEX_WAIT: if *uaddr == val, sleeps wating for a FUTEX_WAKE
// FUTEX_WAKE: wakes at most val of the waiters on the futex word at the address uaddr



a simple mutex implementation:

class Mutex {
  Mutex() : atom_(0) {}

  void lock() {
    int c = cmpxchg(&atom_, 0, 1);
    // If the lock was previously unlocked, there's nothing else for us to do.
    // Otherwise, we'll probably have to wait.
    if (c != 0) {
      do {
        // If the mutex is locked, we signal that we're waiting by setting the
        // atom to 2. A shortcut checks is it's 2 already and avoids the atomic
        // operation in this case.
        if (c == 2 || cmpxchg(&atom_, 1, 2) != 0) {
          // Here we have to actually sleep, because the mutex is actually
          // locked. Note that it's not necessary to loop around this syscall;
          // a spurious wakeup will do no harm since we only exit the do...while
          // loop when atom_ is indeed 0.
          syscall(SYS_futex, (int*)&atom_, FUTEX_WAIT, 2, 0, 0, 0);
        // We're here when either:
        // (a) the mutex was in fact unlocked (by an intervening thread).
        // (b) we slept waiting for the atom and were awoken.
        // So we try to lock the atom again. We set teh state to 2 because we
        // can't be certain there's no other thread at this exact point. So we
        // prefer to err on the safe side.
      } while ((c = cmpxchg(&atom_, 0, 2)) != 0);

  void unlock() {
    if (atom_.fetch_sub(1) != 1) {;
      syscall(SYS_futex, (int*)&atom_, FUTEX_WAKE, 1, 0, 0, 0);

  // 0 means unlocked
  // 1 means locked, no waiters
  // 2 means locked, there are waiters in lock()
  std::atomic<int> atom_;

// An atomic_compare_exchange wrapper with semantics expected by the paper's
// mutex - return the old value stored in the atom.
int cmpxchg(std::atomic<int>* atom, int expected, int desired) {
  int* ep = &expected;
  std::atomic_compare_exchange_strong(atom, ep, desired);
  return *ep;