


  • practical and sound measurement methodologies
  • dense 5G base stations are deployed
  • We use SGS9 because we are not able to manually switch between 5G and 4G on SGS10.
  • In order to make a fair comparison, we confirm that both devices yield statistically similar PLT when loading diverse web pages locally.
  • The PR mechanism itself is detrimental in the long run, since it keeps the CWND of slow subflow artificially low.
  • We integrated the DEMS components into a holistic system (§5) and implemented it on commodity mobile devices (§6).
  • Since mobile wireless networks, such as 3G, LTE, and WiFi, are typically bandwidth-limited and unreliable by nature, streaming video can be subject to frequent periods of re-buffering, characterized by playback interruptions.
  • Our experimental results show that MPTCP-MA can efficiently utilize an intermittently available path, with Wifi throughput improvements of up to 72 percent.
  • These studies show that most problems are not artifacts of specific players but manifest across all state-of-art players.
  • Regardless of implementation details, a wide range of factors spanning the server, the network and the client and across the transport and application layers can be customized based on the system designers’ considerations around different tradeoffs to optimize streaming performance.
  • The ABR adaptation logic needs to deal with time-varying network conditions and make complex tradeoffs.
  • The former provides multi-Gbps rates but is susceptible to blockage, whereas the latter is slower but offers reliable connectivity.
  • The use of an HLL that is conducive to static analysis made this approach possible.
  • We will develop a more nuanced view over the course of the rest of this book.


  • We also experimentally show that 5G’s high throughput does not always translate to better app QoE, whose improvement requires joint, cross-layer optimizations from multiple players in the mobile ecosystem. We make the following contributions in this paper.
  • sensitive to blockages such as a pedestrian or a moving vehicle
  • Switching from line-of-sight (LoS) to none-line-of-sight (NLoS) due to blockage may cause significant data rate drop or even complete blackout despite the beamforming algorithm that attempts to “recalibrate” the beams by seeking for a reflective NLoS path
  • To further ensure that our experiments are not affected by device artifacts, we purchase two SGS10 and confirm that they exhibit similar 5G performance.
  • The curvature of the surface is an artefact of the wide-angle view. (something observed in a scientific investigation or experiment that is not naturally present but occurs as a result of the preparative or investigative procedure)
  • significant performance degradation
  • For a single TCP connection, no noticeable throughput drop is observed because of the bandwidth under-utilization.
  • First, web browsing requires a synergy between network transfer and local processing, with the latter oftentimes being the bottleneck in particular for small web pages.
  • The above results highlight the need for cross-layer efforts that improve 5G performance under (even low) mobility. High-speed railway (HSR) networking asks the new question of how to improve aggregated user experience over highly intermittent connections.
  • This illustrates that eMPTCP automatically seeks the most energy efficient path usage without user involvement.
  • MPTCP can improve user experience over WiFi by associating with multiple APs simultaneously. By utilizing an MPTCP connection with subflows connected to all available APs, a mobile client can maintain seamless connectivity without having to consider a handover.
  • Moreover, energy-aware GreenBag can minimize video interruption while consuming 14-25% less energy than the non-energy-aware counterpart in real-world experiments.
  • Since mobile wireless networks, such as 3G, LTE, and WiFi, are typically bandwidth-limited and unreliable by nature, streaming video can be subject to frequent periods of re-buffering, characterized by playback interruptions.
  • For each service, we analyze the first 9 videos on the landing page which span different categories.


  • To reduce the time to market, carriers may couple their 5G core network equipment with existing 4G LTE infrastructures in what is known as a Non-Standalone Deployment (NSA).
  • We instead believe that Verizon is imposing per-TCP- connection rate limiting over 5G, whose bandwidth appears to be fully utilized when there are more than 8 concurrent connections.
  • Such frequent switches make the throughput highly fluctuating, ranging from 0 to 954 Mbps.
  • How to strategically select interface(s) among 5G, 4G, and WiFi?
  • Network conditions vary significantly, and results may be biased by specific time and location during travel.
  • These alternative algorithms were so far not extensively tested against MPTCP’s default scheduler.
  • MPTCP can improve user experience over WiFi by associating with multiple APs simultaneously. By utilizing an MPTCP connection with subflows connected to all available APs, a mobile client can maintain seamless connectivity without having to consider a handover.
  • Regardless of implementation details, a wide range of factors spanning the server, the network and the client and across the transport and application layers can be customized based on the system designers’ considerations around different tradeoffs to optimize streaming performance.
  • Our analysis suggests that the wireline paths, upper-layer protocols, computing and radio hardware architecture need to co-evolve with 5G to form an ecosystem, in order to fully unleash its potential.
  • To sum up, the web browsing performance is still handicapped by the computational efficiency ofmobile devices, which cannot be resolved by 5G. Also, the transient behaviors o fTCP severely hamper the 5G network efficiency, especially for short bursty-flows.